Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Samsung Spokesperson Accidentally Praises Samsung... From his iPhone

Celebrity endorsements aren't new. Since companies have been marketing, they've tried to find fitting and trustworthy celebrities or actors to shill their products. Samsung may have gone too far when they paid students to say bad things about their competitors, but paying celebrities to endorse a product isn't unethical. But perhaps Samsung should pick people that actually enjoy using their devices. David Ferrer's latest tweet praising Samsung was actually sent from an iPhone.

If you're not fluent in Spanish, the tweet says "I'm happy with my new Samsung Galaxy S4, configuring S Health of my new Samsung Galaxy S4 to help with training". Yeah, he said "Samsung Galaxy S4" twice, and both times as a hashtag. But the funny part is that the tweet was sent from Twitter for iPhone.

Even Samsung users infrequently use the built in apps like S Health. There are better alternatives from third party developers, on the App Store and Google Play. It's pretty obvious that this tweet was paid for. It's also pretty obvious that being paid to sponsor Samsung products wasn't enough to convince Ferrer to stop using an iPhone. Now, in his defense, perhaps this was simply tweeted by an assistant tweeting on his behalf, but that persin's not buying into the Samsung thing either. Still, someone's not getting paid.

The tweet was quickly taken down, but not before someone could grab a screenshot. On the Internet, nothing can ever really been taken back.

via tuaw



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