Monday, April 22, 2013

iPhone 5S Delayed?

Not long ago, the accepted rumor was that the next iPhone would be released this summer. However, it's looking as though Apple's facing some delays, and the next iPhone may not ship until later in the summer, or the fall. It's been rumored that the next iPhone would have a fingerprint scanner for secure and easy logging in, and maybe more. But, think of any fingerprint scanner you've seen on laptops. They're not pretty. For Apple to put a fingerprint scanner in their devices, it has to look good, and remain seamless, while still being obvious to users, and easy to use. As you might imagine, that's definitely not an easy task.

Apparently, the delay involves creating a coating that would allow the iPhone to look beautiful, while still bring new functionality to the world of smartphones through a fingerprint scanner. If Apple is going to introduce a new hardware feature, it's got to be just right. Hopefully they get this sorted out soon, before the iPhone gets delayed into the winter.

via TechnoBuffalo



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