Monday, April 29, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 is "Like Nothing You've Ever Seen Before"... Unless you Saw the S3

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is out, and reviews for it have been mixed. It's not very tough, and is made of a plastic that David Pierce of The Verge called unpleasant to hold, even saying that it felt slippery and slimy. With the superior looks of the iPhone and HTC One, Samsung has been feeling the pressure of their competitors. Rather than turn to designing better products, Samsung has turned to their usual method for boosting sales: marketing. Not only that, but marketing that takes a page out of Apple's play book. How original.

Samsung released a video, much like the ones Apple releases with each product launch. Although, unlike Apple, Samsung opted to show as little of their hardware as possible, instead featuring people talking about it, along with some light music and B-roll footage of people and scenery. At one point, they even say that it's unlike anything you've ever seen, showing a whole new level of denial. It's pretty clear that they're trying to refute the numerous comments from Internet users and reviewers, stating that the new S4 is nothing more than a small upgrade over the S3. They're both in the picture above, or did you think they were the same phones?

Other manufacturers have managed to make plastic phones that looked decent enough. Samsung, on the other hand, hasn't impressed with the Samsung Galaxy S4. With Apple and HTC using aluminum in the designs of their hardware, rather than plastic, Samsung phones will appear cheap. But they're probably just hoping that a huge marketing budget can make up for that.

via TheVerge



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